Step 1: Create a React Project
Open your terminal and type the command below to create a new project.
Navigate to Project root directory:
Step 2: Setup Tailwind CSS
And Now we can install Tailwind CSS and its dependencies via npm:
This will generate a tailwind.config.js file in your project root, where you can configure Tailwind CSS
Configure Tailwind CSS
Open the tailwind.config.js file and set up the content paths i.e include all files to scan for class names.
In the src directory, open the index.css file and add the following lines to import tailwind’s base, components, and utilities styles:
Step 3: Install the React Router Dom Packages
Basically, React Router is used to define multiple routes in the application, so we will add React Router to navigate to the product page.
and we can run the command to run React app. and Tailwind CSS and routing will now be functional.
Step 4: Create the Product Page Component
We’ll start by creating a file named ProductPage.js in the src/components folder.
The ProductPage component in React displays sections like an image, product details, and a quantity selector. It fetches product data from an API and offers ‘Add to Cart’ and ‘Buy Now’ actions.
Step 5: Mount the Product Compoment
Open App.js File and replace the code to import ProductPage, Header, TopBar, and Footer, and Router for displaying the product page
And Now save or reload your react app.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully learn how to create an odoo product page in React JS.
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Hope this blog helped you to better understand how to create an odoo product page in React Js.